Search School Boundaries
To conduct a boundaries search you can either:
1. Enter the street name and click "Apply". The schools assigned to the specific addresses within District 34 on that street will appear. If you are not sure of the spelling, you can enter just a few letters and all listings containing those letters will appear.
2. Enter a the school you are interested in and click Apply. An alphabetical listing of all the specific addresses that are within that school attendance boundaries will appear.
DISCLAIMER: This address lookup table has been created using information from a variety of sources. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and useful information. Glenview School District 34 assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, currency, completeness, or usefulness of any of the information contained in the address lookup and assumes no legal liability for any subsequent use of this information. The burden of determining if a particular residence is within or outside of the district's boundaries rests entirely with the user. Prior to purchasing a home or signing a lease, you should contact either Northfield Township at 847-724-8300, Maine Township at 847-297-2510 or Niles Township at 847-673-9300 (depending upon where the home is located) to confirm the residence is within the District 34 boundaries.
If you notice a discrepancy or information that you think is not correct, please contact the Community Relations Office at 847-486-7861. We will investigate and correct any errors that are brought to our attention.
1. Enter the street name and click "Apply". The schools assigned to the specific addresses within District 34 on that street will appear. If you are not sure of the spelling, you can enter just a few letters and all listings containing those letters will appear.
2. Enter a the school you are interested in and click Apply. An alphabetical listing of all the specific addresses that are within that school attendance boundaries will appear.
DISCLAIMER: This address lookup table has been created using information from a variety of sources. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and useful information. Glenview School District 34 assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, currency, completeness, or usefulness of any of the information contained in the address lookup and assumes no legal liability for any subsequent use of this information. The burden of determining if a particular residence is within or outside of the district's boundaries rests entirely with the user. Prior to purchasing a home or signing a lease, you should contact either Northfield Township at 847-724-8300, Maine Township at 847-297-2510 or Niles Township at 847-673-9300 (depending upon where the home is located) to confirm the residence is within the District 34 boundaries.
If you notice a discrepancy or information that you think is not correct, please contact the Community Relations Office at 847-486-7861. We will investigate and correct any errors that are brought to our attention.