The child(ren) named above are residing at this address and will continue to reside here during the 2024-25 school year.
I understand that if, as the custodial parent or legal guardian, I move outside of the legal boundaries of District 34 during the school year, it is my responsibility to notify the principal that I am no longer a legal resident. In signing this document, I acknowledge having read and understood the following: A person who knowingly or willfully presents to a district representative any false information regarding the residency of a pupil for the purpose of enabling that pupil to attend any school of the district without payment of a non-resident charge shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. (105ILCS 5/1-2012b.) I understand that if the information above is determined to be false or misleading, resulting in the student named above to not be legally entitled to attendance at Glenview School District 34, the school district may take legal action to recoup valid tuition charges (estimated $18,728 per year per student) plus legal fees which will be my responsibility.
AND ONE of the following including name, address and date: